Well, it's been a while between posts. I'm writing this one from a hotel in Thailand where we are currently at a conference. It is beginning to be almost a year now that we've been over in Mongolia, and we have so much to be thankful for. Language has been going well, and Rachel is making good progress even though she doesn't always feel like it. The winter has not been too cold, and in fact has been quite pleasant. Relationships are slow, but there are steps forward here and there.
I'm writing this post really to give a little update about our visa situation and to ask for your prayers. Part of our timing for being in Thailand was to switch from student visas to a work visa and spouse visa. This would enable Seumas to take up teaching classes in the college on his return. The timing of this has become complicated due to our travel plans as well as the Embassy going to be shut for a few critical days.
We were hoping to return to Mongolia on the 14th of Feb, but this is almost certainly not going to happen now. We are having a few difficulties ascertaining exactly what has and hasn't been done on the Mongolian side about our visas - the processing of paperwork there is not our responsibility, so its hard to follow up. We are also having troubles changing our flight home, firstly there is a lack of availability to simply postpone at short notice, secondly the uncertainty about whether these new visas will actually be available in due time. We certainly don't want to have to change flights again.
It's becoming rather stressful, so please pray both for our peace about it, and for swift action by others, prompt communication, and God's sovereign grace to rule over it all.
Will pray!