Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mongolian Spring

Last week we were wearing coats to class and lamenting that we hadn't had hot water for a few days, whle over the weekend it has been high 20s and consistently warmer than home. Much as I love our mission-partners in Australia, it has been amusing to read their emails and comments about how cold it is here since lately it is so warm!

This is the Mongolian Spring, where it oscillates from summery to snow, when it gets particularly windy (and a little bit of snow is the best way to keep dust down!), and when feeling inexplicably tired also gets blamed on "it's Spring."

The length of day here just surpassed what would be the longest day of the year in Sydney, which is quite a bit of sunlight. This, plus a Mongolian propensity to carry construction work late into the night hasn't done wonders for sleeping.

Rachel has been a little sick with a sore throat, but it seems to be on the mend.

Our main business at the moment continues to be language learning. I think sometimes I feel like we are not-so-much missionaries because at the moment the focus is on language and culture, but I know and believe this is vital for longevity and long term efficacy here. As well, language is going quite well! I jotted down a few layman's thoughts on the Mongolian language on another of my many blogs.

Here's something found in a supermarket that gave me a chuckle:

We took our Mongolian language Bible along to church this morning. The sermon was on Acts 8:26ff, about Philip and the Ethiopian. It's encouraging to recognise words in the passage, words in the sermon, and more and more words in the songs. We also heard the testimony of some people with real problems and the Lord's goodness to them.

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