Thursday, March 13, 2014

Introducing Erdenetsetseg and Bat-Orgil

In this post I am introducing two of my students who are seeking your prayers and support and want to share what they are doing. I will let them speak in their own words:

Greeting from Mongolia!

Hello, My name is Bat-Orgil. I am 26 years old. I live with my wife and a son. My wife’s name is Erdene-tsetseg. We study at Union Bible Training Center in Mongolia. We are both 4th year students this year. We live in the student dormitory of UBTC. We were married in 2011. And we had a precious son in June, 2013. Now he is 8 months. We take care him while we are studying.  That is a big job. We are studying full time, taking care of him and writing thesis.
We received Christ as Savior when we were teenagers. While we were studying at Bible College, we understood God’s calling for our family. Our family’s life goal is to live for God’s glory with our time, talent, life and everything. So because of that we are studying at Bible College in order to serve God’s people. God reveals His will through His word to us. Studying the word of God is a precious and important thing for us.
We go to the “Root of blessing” church. We are doing teens' and worship ministry at the church.
We are sharing our life, ministry and situation here and asking for your support.

Our prayer requests:

We want to finish our race faithfully
For College tuition fee and living expenses
For our son’s health
For our ministries