Hello to you all.
We thought it timely to post an update as the year draws to a close, to let you all know our plans for 2010 and beyond.
Seumas' job at Mac Fields is drawing to a close as there are no funds to employ him into 2010. So far he has not secured a position for next year, and that has significantly impacted our plans. In other more positive news, David and Wendy Hall, currently in Mongolia with Pioneers, have invited us over in March to teach their English classes at the bible college there for three weeks while they return to Australia for their daughter's wedding. These two events have dove-tailed nicely, and so here is the current plan:
Rachel is going to keep working through the first half of 2010. She has enough (or near enough) leave to take a month off for Mongolia, so we will go over for a month in late Feb through to March. This will be a great opportunity for us to get a feel for the place (-20 is what we're anticipating temperature wise), the people, the college, and life in Mongolia. We also hope to take a video recorder over and get some footage, so if you have a recorder of some sort that we could borrow, talk to us.
Seumas will spend the first half of the year (apart from Mongolia), studying full-time on his Masters, while looking for work and picking up a few other things (teaching a Moore college evening diploma course, for example). God-willing, by July Seumas will have some steady employment (ministry, fitness, Latin, fish-and-chips?), and Rachel will do a year at SMBC back-to-front. This leaves us with the aim to get to Mongolia more permanently in the second half of 2011.
We will also continue with our application with Pioneers to hopefully be accepted mid next year.
God has been very good to us in providing this opportunity to go across in March at a time when we were feeling very uncertain about what we would do in 2010. This opportunity has provided us with extra energy and anticipation. Please be in prayer for us; that we would be effective in our short time in Mongolia; that Seumas would find employment so Rachel can go to SMBC; and that we would be continually seeking God and his wisdom.
Blessings upon you as we remember the coming of Christ our Saviour.
Much love,
Seumas + Rachel